Thursday, December 29, 2011

Memadu kasih di awang-awang

One day there was a small girl is asleep, her desire is to meet with her ​​lover  
and spend time with him, playing in the sky, in the beach, everywhere..

i will catch over you(guardian angel)

kissu kissu

everything will be allright, iam here next to you


Draw or playing puzzle

Laying together hand in hand

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cruel Pattern

A pattern created by the combination of various colors using a dazzle water colors with paper folding techniques to help get the blend, anyway while i create this stamp there's so much things ruin my head, feelings of hate, hard, messy, love..i really like this pattern even not everyone likes and agrees with what we choose, is about how we survive and prove it, so that they are aware and will be understand, it takes a long journey but its worth to taking. 

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011


Fimbles Family for dek Tegar

Pake pingsil warna tapi gak telaten jadinya agak agak kurang rapih..semoga dek tegar suka :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Backpain Disorder

Ini hasil ronsenan tulang belakang, kok bisa ya mencong begituh? namanya sih skoliosis - dia suka rewel gitu, yaudalahya..hahayolohh

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Entah apa yang memberanikan gw untuk memposting foto ini, baiklah..cukup nge-rawwr gak? ngeri malah


Another 3D using Rhinoceros

Gatot Kaca

Menguntit sekelumit cerita seorang supir kapal terbang , salim-mengejar waktu-bertemu sesama-berkenalan dengan tunggangannya-mengemudi-bermain tombol-kacamata hitam dikala terik-hingga kembali ke rumah lagi, walaupun sering hinggap dimana-mana dan meninggalkan rumah namun sang gatot kaca akan tetap kembali bertemu keluarganya. *agak hiperbola sih bahasa gw
are you ready? aiya captain..

Thursday, October 20, 2011

creamy choco pie

and the result is : yum, crisp, sweet, but whether you believe it without trying it? hahaha

Multifunction cupboard for small space (1:3 scale)

2 in 1
on the right : mini bar
on the left   : work space
it comes handleless 
and using push-pull system
another space under the table

TV space that can be move down, but the times out. (if there is any time longer, i will customize the hinge system for make it works, up and down) 
 shame on me cause its not proper enough but surprisingly i got A :)



and it can be additional table for your cup

But! if you sliding ,the lid will be open and there is...

Any space for keep your cutlery

Mirror, make it looks like wide impression even its not

Monday, October 17, 2011

campur sari

 rendering using marker copic(warm and cold series) 80 
 thats my sign

similar like you? who are you? do i know you? if we ever meet? browny man ckck stop looking at me so serious. degdeggan