Thursday, September 12, 2013

This tempting scrumptious food called BOTOK from java :)

This dough contains of various which are half of shavings of flexure coconut, melinjo leaves(get rip of it), slices of green chili(the amount is depends on your taste), fermented soybean(chop it), tomatoes(chop it like dice), a grasp of "petai cina",1 egg(shake and pour into dough).

mix it up with your hands gently, and then for the recipe you have to grind the spices which are contains of= red and white onion, "a bit of terasi", kencur, lengkuas, 4 hot chili, ketumbar/coriander, salt, pepper, sugar. grind them until you get soft textures and mix them into this dough.

and the final touch is pour a coconut water until you get the dough isnt dry anymore but not too much added the water. when you feel the dough is already wet and sticky its enough to wraped it.

feel free use your hands when mix them :)

this is coconut leaves, rip them and make it a several part like this. PS: you need to season this leaves in to the sunlight and you will get a very flexure leaves. it makes easier to fold it.

place another leaves face up like this

place the lime leaves at the bottom(place it centre of the sheet of coconut leaves)
take a spoon of the dough and final touch place the chili at the top

fold it like this, pin it with toothpicks

steam them for about 30 minutes

cut the top of the folded for make it botok more easthetics

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